Ethereum: Binance API how to build URL with API key
Building an Ethereum API connection in JavaScript to Binance
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In this article, we will create a simple example of how to connect to the Binance API using the API fetch
and extract data without requiring a binance API key.
- You have a binance account with the API keys
- Node.js installed on your machine (if you don’t have it, download and install it at [ (
// Import the API search and the necessary libraries
Constant Axes = Requires (‘Axios’);
// Define the Binance API key and the secret of the API (optional)
CONST APIKEY = ‘Your_binance_api_Key’;
CONST APISECRET = ‘Your_binance_api_secret’;
// Defines the Ethereum pair that you want to recover data
Const Market = ‘Ethusdt’;
Getethereumdata asynchronous function () {
// build the API endpoint url
Const Url = {Market} & Limit = 100 & Interval = 1m
to try {
// Define headers and authentication (optional)
Headers const = {
‘X-MBX-Apikey’: Apikey,
‘X-MBX-Sign’: Apisecret,
‘X-MBX-TTS’: New Date (). Gettime ()
// Send a GET request to the API Endpoint
CONST Response = awaits anxios.get (URL, {headers});
// Extract and return the data as JSON
Return response.
} catch (error) {
console.error (error: $ {error .Message}
// Example of use:
.then ((data) => {
Const Marketarray = data [0] .Values;
// Print the data extracted on the console
console.log (marketarray);
.catch ((error) => {
console.error (error: $ {error .Message}
How it works
- We import the
Axios' library used to make HTTP requests.
- We configure your Binance API key and API secret (if applicable).
- We define the Ethereum pair for which you want to recover data (ethusdt
in this example).
- We built the URL of the end of the API using the necessary parameters (for example, 'symbol,
- We define headers with their Binance API credentials.
- We sent a GET request to the API Endpoint and analyze the answer as JSON.
- Finally, we extracted and imprinted the extracted data.
NOTE : This code assumes that you have a valid binance account and the API key. You must replaceyour_binance_api_keye
your_binance_api_secret` for your real credentials. In addition, this example recovers only the first 100 klines for each interval. If you need to recover more data or use different parameters (for example, order type), modify the code by agreement.