Ethereum: How can an unconfirmed transaction be removed from the memory pool?
Eliminate unconfirmed transactions from the Ethereum Memory Group
The Ethereum memory group is a critical component of the network, which allows users to store and recover transactions without the need for a traditional block chain. However, there are cases in which a transaction not confirmed in the group remains, which hinders the general performance and network safety. In this article, we will explore how to eliminate unconfirmed Ethereum transactions from the memory group using Bitcoind and JSON-RPC.
Unc confirmed transactions can persist in the memory group due to several reasons:
- Validation of transactions : The unconfirmed transactions are validated by nodes in the network, but they are not yet confirmed.
- Network congestion : High transactions volumes can lead to an accumulation of unconfirmed transactions, which causes them to remain in the pool.
- Error management : In rare cases, an unconfirmed transaction could be incorrectly identified as valid, remaining in the group.
Remove unincapted transactions using Bitcoind and JSON-RPC
To eliminate an unconfirmed Ethereum transaction from the memory group, you will need to use the following tools:
- Bitcoind
: A command line interface to interact with the Bitcoin Network.
- JSON-RPC : A standard API to interact with the Ethereum Network.
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to delete an unconfirmed transaction using Bitcoind and JSON-RPC:
Method 1: Using Bitcoind
- Be sure to have
installed and executed on your machine.
- Connect to the bitcoin network using
Bitcoind -Server = 127.0.1 --port = 8332
- Use
to recover a list of unconfirmed transactions:
Getbalance -Address =
- Identify the transaction ID you want to remove from the pool.
- Usetxlist
to recover a list of all unconfirmed transactions, including what you want to eliminate:
txlist -address =
- Look for the transaction ID at the output and select using-txid
- Usegetrawtransaction
to recover the data of the unprocessed transaction:
getrawtransaction - -txid =
- Create a new transaction with a hash that points to the original transaction (for example,0x …
"Transaction": {
"Hash": "
"amount": "...",
"data": "..."
- Send the new transaction usingtxlist -address =
- Once the transaction is confirmed, the memory group will be deleted.
Method 2: Use of JSON-RPC
- Use a tool likeCurl
to send a JSON-RPC request to the Ethereum Network:
curl -x post \
-H 'Type of content: application/json' \
-D '{"JSONRPC": "2.0", "Method": "eth_gettransactioncount", "params": ["
- Analyze the JSON answer to recover the transaction ID:
"ID": 1,
"result": {
"Blockhash": "
"TransactiCount": "...",
"Txs": [...]
- Look for the transaction ID at the output and select using-Txid
- UseCurl
to send a JSON-RPC application to create a new transaction:
curl -x post \
-H 'Type of content: application/json' \
-D '{"JSONRPC": "2.0", "METHOD": "Eth_Sendrawtransaction", "Params": ["
- Once the new transaction is confirmed, it will be removed from the memory group.
The elimination of unconfirmed transactions from the Ethereum memory group can be achieved usingBitcoind` and JSON-RPC.