Transaction management with Ethereum on a server: a guide

As a application developer, you will probably know the challenges of transaction management and security guarantee if you deal with cryptocurrency. In this article we will immerse ourselves in the management of sending transactions for a wallet that is used for a server executed on Ethereum.

The basics of Ethereum Arbeitschen

Before you immerse yourself in transaction management, it is important to understand the basics of Ethereum portfolios and transactions. A portfolio is a digital storage system with which users can save, send and receive cryptocurrencies. In this case, use an Arbitrun portfolio that is a contractual platform for the construction of decentralized applications (DAPP).

Use of an Ethereum letter pocket in your server

To manage transactions on your server, you must use the Ethereum portfolio that is assigned to your Arbitrun application. Here is a step -for -step instructions:

  • Install the necessary dependencies : You must install the packages “ETHand" Web3 "with NPM or cable.

  • import the portfolio library : import the instance "web3" from ETH and create an object that contains the details of your wallet:


Const Web3 = demands ('Web3');

Const Wallet = request ('./ Wallet');

Const Wallet = New Wallet ();

"" "

Management of shipping transactions

If a user wants to withdraw its funds, you must send the transaction to the Ethereum network. Here you can find out how to do it:

  • ** get the balance of the sender.


Const Sengeraddress = '0x ...'; // replaced by the sender address

Const Balance = Waits Web3.eth.Getbalance (transmitter adress);

"" "

  • Calculate the amount of the transaction : Calculate the amount of the transaction in accordance with the desired payment quantity of the user.


Quantity Const = 100; // replaced by the desired payment amount

"" "

  • Create a new transaction : Use your portfolio library to create a new transaction object:


Const tx = wait web3.eth.

DE: Sender Address,

to: '0x ...', // The address of the recipient

Value: web3.utils.towei (quantity.tostring (), 'ether'), // transaction quantity

Gasprice: web3.utils.towei ('20 ',' gwei ') // gas price (20 white per gas)


"" "

  • Sign the transaction

    Ethereum: How to manage sending transactions for a wallet used for a server?

    : Sign the transaction with your portfolio library:


Const Signature = expects web3.eth.accounts.Signransaction ({{{{

Data: TX,

DE: Senteraddress

}, 'Private key'); // replaced by your private key

"" "

Treatment and confirmation of transactions

As soon as you have created a new transaction, you must treat it and confirm it in the Ethereum network. Like: How:

  • Treat the transaction : Use your portfolio library to treat the transaction:


Const Processtx = Wait Web3.eth.Processstransaction ({{{{{{{{{{{{


DE: Senteraddress


"" "

  • WAIT confirmation : Wait until the transaction is confirmed by the Ethereum network:


Const confirmed confirmation = waiting for web3.eth.

"" "

Nuncio basis also error management

If an error occurs "too low", this means that the Ship -Whook account does not contain enough funds to process the transaction. To manage this scenario, you can:

  • Check the sufficient means : Before sending the transaction, check whether the sender has sufficient funds:

` JavaScript

Const senererbalance = waiting web3.eth.getbalance (transmitter adress);

If (transmitter balancia

Start a new mistake (“inadequate means”);


“” “

  • Increte the Nonce : If the error occurs “too low”, increase the nuncio and try sending the transaction.

If you follow these steps, you can effectively manage transactions for your wallet on an Ethereum server. Don’t forget to manage errors and manage on -board cases to ensure a transparent user experience.

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