Limiting Debug Log File Size on Bitcoin Core (Bitcoind) on Ubuntu 12

As a Bitcoin enthusiast, it’s natural to want to keep your system resources clean and organized. One aspect of this is managing the debug.log file generated by Bitcoin Core, also known as Bitcoind. This log file can grow quickly, leading to performance and storage space issues.

In this article, we’ll explore ways to limit the size of the debug.log file on your Ubuntu 12 system while ensuring that it’s neither too small nor too large for optimal functionality.

Why does the debug.log file get so large?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s quickly understand why the debug.log file gets so large. The log file grows as Bitcoin Core encounters various errors and issues during its operations. These logs contain detailed information about transactions, block creation, mining attempts, and other critical events.

Limiting the size of the debug.log file

To manage the size of the debug.log file, you can adjust the following settings:

1. Increase log verbosity

You can increase the verbosity of the debug.log file by using the -v or --verbose option when running Bitcoind:

bitcoind -v --console -datadir /path/to/bitcoin/data

This will provide more verbose output, which can help identify potential problems.

2. Set a maximum log size

You can set a maximum log size using the --maxlogsize option when running Bitcoind:

bitcoind --maxlogsize 1M --console -datadir /path/to/bitcoin/data

This sets the maximum log file size to one megabyte (1 MB). You can adjust this value based on your system’s storage constraints.

3. Set up log rotation

To prevent the debug.log file from growing indefinitely, you can set up a log rotation script:

Ethereum: How to limit the debug.log file while running bitcoind?

Create a new file for logging

sudo nano /etc/logrotate.d/bitcoin.conf

Add the following configuration to the file:

/path/to/bitcoin/data/log/ \

daily 1 . 1

daily rotation, append to log file

This configures log rotation on the Bitcoin Core data directory. You will also need to create a corresponding log file configuration for the Bitcoin script (LMB) to ensure proper logging:

sudo nano /etc/logrotate.d/bitcoin.conf.LMB

Add the following configuration to the file:

/path/to/bitcoin/data/log/ \

daily 1 . 1

daily rotation, append to log file

-m 15

keep at most 15 days of old logs

This configures log rotation on the Bitcoin Core data directory. The -m option only keeps the last 15 days of logs.

4. Use a log compression solution

To further reduce the size of your debug.log file, you can use a log compression solution like gzip:

sudo gzip -f /path/to/bitcoin/data/log/*.log | bitcoind --console -datadir /

This compresses all log files in the Bitcoin Core data directory and streams them through Bitcoind. You will need to ensure that the compressed logs are stored properly, as the original logs may be deleted during compression.


By adjusting your Bitcoind settings or using a combination of these methods, you can effectively limit the size of the debug.log file on your Ubuntu 12 system while ensuring optimal performance and storage space. Remember to monitor your log files regularly to ensure they remain manageable and useful for troubleshooting and maintenance purposes.

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