Here is an article that addresses this issue:

Error while confirming transaction in Trust Wallet: “Received type not defined – in Trust Wallet”

When attempting to confirm a transaction in a digital wallet such as Trust Wallet, a user may encounter the error message “Received type not defined – in Trust Wallet”. This error can be frustrating and requires immediate attention.

The error occurs because the ConfirmTransaction function that the wallet uses to verify transactions requires one of four specific data types for its arguments. However, the received type does not appear to be defined as one of these options.

Understanding Data Types

To solve this problem, let’s take a closer look at the required data types:

  • String: A string is a string of characters that represents text.
  • Buffet: A buffer is an array-like object used to represent a buffer of bytes in memory.
  • Array: An array is an ordered collection of elements.
  • Array-like object (e.g. Uint8Array): An array-like object such as Uint8Array represents a raw array of bytes.

Possible causes and solutions

Metamask: The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type undefined -in Trustwallet

According to the error message, the problem seems to be how the wallet received the transaction data as an argument to the ConfirmTransaction function. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

  • Invalid or missing argument: The wallet may not have provided one of the required data types (string, buffer, array) as an argument.
  • Incorrect buffer representation: If the data received is not in a valid buffer format (e.g. not Uint8Array), the wallet may receive an incorrect value for the Transaction object.

To resolve the issue:

  • Check that the transaction data sent to the wallet is properly formatted as a string, buffer, array, or field-like object.
  • Check the wallet documentation to make sure it supports the required data types to confirm transactions.
  • If possible, review the transaction data in detail to make sure the format is correct.

Example of corrected code

If you are using the Trust Wallet API, here is an updated example that shows how to properly pass a string as an argument:

Constants tx = {

ID: '1234567890',

from: 'your_wallet_address',

to: 'recipient_address',

value: 10.00,


const confirmTransaction = await trustWallet.confirmTransaction(tx);

//Confirm the transaction with the received data

In this example, we assumed that ‘tx’ is an object representing a transaction. The key values ​​are ‘id’, ‘from’ and ‘to’. We also assume that there is another value for ‘value’.

By following these steps and checking your wallet’s documentation, you should be able to resolve the ‘Received type not defined – in trusted wallet’ error that occurs when trying to confirm transactions in your digital wallet.

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