Fetching More Data from Binance Using a Python Loop

To retrieve more than 500 rows of historical data from the Binance website, you can use a while loop to continuously call the API until you have retrieved all the data. Here is an example code snippet showing how to do this:

import binance

Ethereum: Fetching more data from binance using python loop

Initialize the client and set the API credentials

client = binance.client.Client(




Define a function to fetch historical data

def fetch_historical_data(symbol, interval):

Set the time frame for the fetch request

start_time = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=interval * 30)

Create a list to store the candles

candles = []

Loop until we have retrieved all the data

while true:


Fetch historical data

response = client.get_klines(symbol, start_time.timestamp(), interval)

Add new candles to the list

for candle as response[0]:


If we have retrieved all the data, exit the loop

if len(response) <= 500:


except binance.exceptions.ClientException as e:

print(f"Error fetching data: {e}")


return candles

Usage example

symbol = 'BTCUSDT'

Replace with the desired symbol

interval = '1m'

1 minute interval

candles = fetch_historical_data(symbol, interval)

In this code:

  • We initialize the Binance client and set the API credentials.
  • We define a fetch_historical_data function that takes a symbol and an interval (e.g. ‘1m’ for a 1 minute interval).
  • Inside the loop, we fetch the historical data using the get_klines method with the specified start time, interval, and symbol.
  • We add each new candle to a list called candles.
  • If we have retrieved all 500 rows of data (i.e. len(response) <= 500), we exit the loop.
  • Finally, we return the list of candles.

Tips and Variations

  • To retrieve more than 1000 rows at once, you can change the fetch_historical_data function to use a larger interval (e.g. '1h' for a 1-hour interval).
  • If you want to retrieve data in real time, you will need to use a different approach. One option is to use the get_orderbook method with an API key and access token.
  • Make sure you are handling errors and exceptions correctly in your production code.

Note: The above code uses Python 3.x syntax. If you are using Python 2.x, you will need to modify your import statements and error handling accordingly.


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