Understanding the basics of token sales: insight from tether (USDT)

Fast growth and adoption, new tokens and projects appear daily. One of the key aspects of these. Tether (USDT) is one of the most widely marketed and used standlecoin.

** What is token for sale?

(ICO) or a private sale, will issue new tokens to investors in exchange for payment. – to

The most important features of token sales

Selling token usually includes the following key characteristics:




TETHER (USDT) Token Sales Inspection

Tether (USDT), one of the most widely marketed and used standlecoin, is an excellent example of token sales work. In February 2018, Tether launched the sales of the USDT token Sale, raising more than $ 30 million in just two weeks. This sales was made easier on an online market called Gemini, which allowed investors to buy USDT directly.

Benefits of token sales

Token sales equipment has many benefits for projects and investors:

  • Fast Funding

    : The sale of token offers a quick way to increase project capital and finance it.



Risks related to token sales

While token sales equipment has many benefits, there are many risks:

  • market volatility :




Token sales are a critical aspect of the acceptance and development of cryptocurrency. The basics of token sales, including their most important characteristics, benefits, and project groups, information can be made by Tether (USDT) There is only one example of how to make token sales successfully financing projects.


  • “Tether starts USDT token sales” (Gemini Press Release, February 2018)

  • “What do you need to know about token sales” (Cryptoslate, June 2020)

  • “Advantages and Disadvantages of Token Sales” (Coindesk, July 2020)

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This article only serves information purposes and should not be considered investment advice. The information provided

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