The Enigma code: The Ethereum code would be BTC if the bitcoins were ratified?

Since Bitcoin continues to gain ground as a possible alternative to traditional fiduciary currencies, many must be asked if its code below would be identical to that of the current upper cryptocurrency. For those who are not familiar, let us dive into the world of blockchain development and explore what makes the code Ethereum so unique.

The de facto code: BTC

For the moment, it seems that the de facto code for Bitcoin is actually BTC. This may seem counter-intuitive, since the main team of Ethereum has experienced a more programmable blockchain since its start. However, the fundamental architecture of Bitcoin remains largely unchanged since its first days.

The Bitcoin code base is built around the concept of a decentralized master’s book called “Blockchain”. Each block of this main book contains a unique identifier (hash), a horoding and a series of transactions that have been verified by the nodes of the network. The consent algorithm used to validate these transactions is proof of work (POW).

Ethereum code: a more programmable blockchain

On the contrary, the Ethereum code base is built around a more programmable blockchain, known as “smart contracts”. These contracts are written in Solidity, a high-level programming language which allows developers to create self-execution contracts with specific rules and conditions.

The Ethereum intelligent contract platform allows developers to create decentralized applications (applications) in addition to the Ethereum network. This has led to the creation of various use cases, such as the non-co-samples (NFT), decentralized financing protocols (DEFI) and game platforms.

The difference in code: BTC against intelligent contracts of Ethereum

Although the Bitcoin code is always written in C ++, a low-level programming language, its architecture is more focused on technology below rather than providing a programmable platform for the construction of applications. On the contrary, the intelligent Ethereum contract platform was designed from zero to support the creation of complex and programmable contracts.

A key difference lies in how contracts are verified and carried out. The Bitcoin consent algorithm is based on the nodes that carry out the work test (POW), while Ethereum’s intelligent contracts use a more decentralized approach called “proof of work” (POS).

ratify the BTC as currency: implications for Ethereum

If Bitcoin must be ratified in currency, it is likely that its code will undergo significant changes. For example:

  • The consent algorithm must be updated to adapt to the greatest computing power required by POS.

  • Intelligent contracts must be rewritten to support new architectural and verification mechanisms.

  • The overall architecture of the blockchain can also require changes to ensure interaction without continuity between different components.

However, it should be noted that these changes are not necessarily the direct result of the bitcoin ratified in currency. Rather, they represent an evolution of the underlying technology which allows greater programmability, scalability and flexibility.


The de facto code for Bitcoin is actually BTC, but the implications for Ethereum would be significant if bitcoin had to be ratified in currency. The new architectural and verification mechanisms could potentially unlock new uses of use and applications on the Ethereum network. Although we continue to explore the potential advantages of a programmable blockchain, it is essential to understand the technology below and its compromises.

In the meantime, developers and users can assess the single value proposal offered by Ethereum, even if the code below remains largely unchanged.

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