Ethereum: Python Binance API Call list
Ethereum’s API Call List: Return order data
============================================== =
As for the beginner, it is green to start exploring Ethereum API. He is Hole Articac to extract orders data using Python and Lyth API.
Before you dive into the code, quickly evaporation:
- Binance API Account (Create one at [ chance p://
- “Python-Binance of the Library” installed (Start Yoll Python-Binance)
- Basic knowledge of Python and API calls
Return order data use Python
We will use the class of binary futures from Python-Binance on the library to the extracted order. It is the code:
a huge date before
Set your api concrete
ap_key = “your_pi_key”
ap_secret = “your_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_cet”
Set the end point of API and the base URL
Base_url = “
Endpoint = “/OPEINS”
Set symbol (eg ETH/USDT)
Symbol = “TH/USDT”
Steel_open_opens (Perso, Addest):
Create a Binance API object with CRDDENIALS
C climate = binship.cliet (ap_eye (api_ybe, dependent = pa_scret = ap_secret)
Extract open orders for the specified character
Responsibility = Clues.getopenopenders (Endpoint, Symbol = Symbol)
Data = You.Loads (Response.body)
Return the required order details (symbol, price, original, site)
Returned [data “] [“/”symbol”], data [theopen “], data [” orgqty “], data [“]]
Date of retrieval and print order for ETH/USDT
Orders = net_open_eyors (ap_eye, add)
For symbol, price, original, _ in orders:
Print (F “smbol: {Symbol}, price: {present: .4F}, origqty: {Itorigqty}”)
“ s
- We create a binance API object with creials.
- We set the end point and the base URL for your API request (for example, Hyttps: /’).
- We determine the order of the symbol (‘TH/USDT this exactly).
- We extract open singing to the elderly, the elderly.
- We analyze the response of JSON data and returned the required order of the data (symbol, price, origin, site).
example of using cases
- Monitoring Order for a particular PAR
- Analyzing markets by retrieving stove data.
- Create Trade or Automation Use Orders from Triggers
REMEMBER TO PLACE NURAL IMAGINATION OF THEYPI_KEY ‘and 1YOURPI_I_CI_CI_CI_CI_CI_CI_CI_CI_CI_CI_CI_CCCI_CI_CI_CI _Ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_ci_c i_ci_ci_ci_cc_ci_ci_ci Ci_cet yourral binance api Crew. Similarly, be aware of the binaning of the API speed limits and adjust the corresponding corresponding ones.
I hope this will get starvation by extracting API on Etheretum!