Ethereum: ECDSA Replace it with schnorr -signatures

The Ethereum Project has been built on the Bitcoin Network for a long time, and its development has heavily rely on the work of the Bitcoin Core Team. An essential aspect of this relationship is the use of cryptography in the public key to secure transactions on both platforms. In particular, the Ethereum Network (ETH) using a variant of the Digital Signature Algorithm Elliptic Curve (ECDSA), in particular SECP256K1, to Protect Its Decentralized Applications (DAPPS).

In March 2017, however, the Bitcoin Core Team released an important update for its Technology Roadmap, which was intended to replace ECDSA with Schnorr -singnatzen. This decision was regarded as the main step for the scalability and user -Friendliness of Ethereum as well as for the Wider Cryptocurrency ecosystem.

What are schnorr signatures?

Snorr Signatures are a kind of digital signature algorithm for public keys, with which users can check the authority of transactions without reealing their private keys. They were first introduced by Andrew Müller in 2005 and have since largely being adopted on various cryptocurrencies and blockchain platforms.

In Conventional ECDSA-Based Systems Such as Bitcoin, the signing of a transaction requirement The Recipient’s Private key to encrypt a message that contains a signature. However, this can be mathematically expensive and time -consuming for large transactions. Snorr signatures overcome this restriction by enabling users to create several, non-repeatable digital signatures from a single public-private key couple.

Advantage of Replacing ECDSA with Schnorr Seals

The switch to schnorr -signatures was widely adverse as an essential implementation compared to the traditional ecdsa implementation in ethereum. Some of the most important advantages are:

* scalability : If transactions are always big, conventional ecdsa-based systems can become bottlenecks due to the computing expenses. Snorr signatures are more efficient and scable.

* Safety : While Schnorr Displays Robust Security Guarantees, they also offer users a high degree of anonymity. This makes it suitable for use in applications in which the privacy of users has a top priority.

* Interoperability

: The schnorr -signature -Implementation of Ethereum was successfully integrated into other blockchain platforms such as cosmos and polkadot.

Implementation to Ethereum

Ethereum: Replacing ECDSA (SECP256k1) with Schnorr signatures

The switch to schnorr seals was not without controversy within the Ethereum Community. Some users expressed concerns about the potential effects on the scalability and user -friendliness of the networks. However, the majority of the developers have widpread the new implementation and have been successfully tested in various applications.

In 2020, Vitalik Buterin, Co-Founder and CEO of Ethereum, released an official blog post in which the transition to snorrating signatures was described. He argued that the switch was necessary to fix scalability concerns and to improve user -Friendliness for users.


The replacement of ECDSA with Schnorr seals is an essential step forward for the Development Roadmap from Ethereum. While some perhaps initial skepticism compared to the move, this has proven to be a great success in terms of scalability, security and interoperability. While the ethereum community is developing, it will be interesting to see this change effects in practice.

Additional Resources

  • Bitcoin Core: [ Female (

  • Schnorr -signatures: [ Female (
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