* Luzid Local Valiidor Use: Execution to an error “ID of unwanted program” when you call Create_associated_token_account

As a creator using Luzid, a popular blockchain test platform, you probably confront an "unavailable program ID" error to perform certain instructions for your local approval. This problem can be frustrating, especially when you try and confirm the chips for creation and mining processes.

In this article, we will immerse ourselves in the details of the problem and provide possible solutions to resolve it.

What is the local validator Luzid?

Luzid is a blockchain test platform that allows developers to model different use in the local Ethereum test network. The platform provides a practical interface to create portfolios, implement contracts and carry out operations.

Error of "ID of the Non -Defined Program"

When the investigation has an unrealized program ID, it indicates that the contractual operation or call requires a specific program ID which does not support Luzid's local approval. In this case, when you call Create_associated_Token_account, the error occurs because Luzid does not support the construction of the jacket associated with other program IDs except 0x01.

Why does it happen?

The error "ID of the not supported program" generally results from obsolete outbuildings or incompatible to your code base. When the contract or manual uses an unusual program ID, it activates the Luzid local approval process. However, if the verifier does not support this ID, he returns the error message indicating that the ID of the program is incorrect.

Possible solutions

To solve this problem, consider the following:

  • Update Luzids outbuildings: Make sure to update your Luzid outbuildings in the latest versions. You can do this by launching NPM Install or Yarn Install in your terminal.

  • Check your contractual code : Display the contract code to define all the instructions that use an unreformed program ID. Update the following instructions so that, if possible, correspond to the supported ID.

  • Use another local inspection specimens : If you do not solve the problem when updating Luzid outbuildings, try to create a new local cleaning specimens with a different configuration or IP address . This can help distinguish the problem.

  • Contact Luzid Support

    : Contact the Luzid support team to get more help. They can provide additional advice or solutions for your specific use.

Example of code fragment

Solana: Using Luzid local validator: running into

To give you a better understanding of how this error can occur, here is a fragment of codes from a simple Solana blockchain contract:


Import {Programid} of '@ solana / web3.js';

Import {CreateaesociateDtokenaccount} of './create_associated_token_account';

Import {Create_luzid_Validator} de './create_luzid_validator';

Const program_id = programd.fompubkey ('your_program_id');

hand asynchronous function () {

Const Validator = Wait Create_luzid_Validator ();

// Create an attached token account

Cess score = wait for create_associated_token_account (validator);



In this example, the Create_associated_Token_account uses an unwoverated program ID (0x01″). To resolve this problem, you must update the instructions to correspond to the ID of the supported program.

Solana Default Units 200000

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